Invoice Generator

An invoice is an essential component of any online or offline sale. You can now design and create your invoices easily and professionally using ExpandCart’s free invoice generator to provide an itemized invoice that enables your customers to guarantee their rights and you to guarantee yours as a merchant.

Enter your company information

Company Name
Email Address
Zip/Postal Code
Upload a logo from your device.

Enter customer and invoice information

Your Customer Name
Your Customer Email
Your Invoice Number
Your Customer Address
Invoice Date
Zip/Postal Code

Enter the items you wish to bill

Item Description
Item Price
Add Item

Additional Information

Additional Notes
Tax Value
Your custom invoice has been successfully created
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Your custom invoice has been successfully created
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Billed From
company name company address
company city company state company zip code
Billed to
customer name customer address
customer city customer state customer zip code
Invoice # 02
Invoice Date Jue 17
Amount Due
Unit Cose
Notes / Memo

Order Notes

SubTotal 2000
Total 2000


An invoice is a document that records the details of the purchase and sale process in order for both the online store owner (the seller) and the customer (the buyer) to guarantee their financial rights. 

It is an amazing and easy way to track your online store’s revenue rates and determine your profits with transparency and integrity.

Enter all the information that the invoice should include, and the tool will do its job of designing a professional form that includes all your business information. You can also electronically send the invoice to your customers via WhatsApp, email, etc.

An invoice is one of the factors that help you build your customers’ trust towards your brand, so you should:

  • Include your brand logo.
  • Use a tool that creates invoices using pre-existing templates.
  • Maintain a consistent structure when it comes to the design of your invoice so they are easily identifiable for your customers.
  • Keep in mind that the invoice should be simple and clear.
  • Check for spelling mistakes and make sure that the invoice is free of any type of errors.

Your invoice should mainly include:

  1. Your brand name and contact information.
  2. Your tax number.
  3. A list of goods or services sold.
  4. Customer name.
  5. Total amount.
  6. Payment method.
  7. Invoice due date.

You can use the ExpandCart invoice generator completely free of charge, and you can also use many of our other free tools such as the Profit Margin Calculator, Small Business Loan Calculator, etc. 

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