Nothing is more attractive than getting to succeed in one of the most fast-growing industries globally and in the region.

For a while now, shoppers have been becoming more used to purchasing clothes and accessories online than ever before.

Fashion retailers are introducing new technologies and features into their online stores for an easier shopping experience, like VR fitting rooms.

Our recently published report will give you insights, numbers, and statistics about the e-commerce fashion industry in the MENA region for 2020, in addition to recommendations for future growth in 2021.

What’s Inside

Section 1: Online Fashion Market Size

Take a look at valuable statistics that paint a picture of the big, cutthroat fashion market globally and in the MENA.

Section 2: Facts to Understand the Fashion Market in MENA

Lots of interesting facts here: visit the 3 most dominant regional players (KSA, UAE, Egypt) in MENA’s retail e-commerce market and learn why and how they got there.

Section 3: General Overview to Understand the Fashion Shoppers

Get invaluable insight into the psychographics of fashion shoppers – this is what will help you build strategy above strategy when it comes to your marketing and sales.

Section 4: Major players in the fashion eCommerce

Get to know the top companies in the e-commerce fashion market globally and in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Section 5: The Prefered Device for Fashion Shoppers

When shoppers shop and buy from your business, what devices do they most use? Understand the digital impact that is being made on the fashion industry and how it contributes to its growth potential.

Section 6: Fashion eCommerce Top Trends in 2021

Be able to position your business better in the fast-growing fashion market by understanding what trends caught on the most popular among shoppers and the most recent ones that took the fashion world by storm.

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About The Author

Content Editor with more than 10 years of extensive experience in press release content writing, website premium content, and content marketing strategies with a passion for eCommerce, entertainment, and women empowering.

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