SEO for Product Descriptions Best Practices in 2021

The earliest emergence of search engine optimization was back in 1991 when the first websites on the internet were launched.

It only took a few years for search engines like Backrub, which was the original name for what we know now as Google, to revolutionize the whole concept of SEO.

The basic start of SEO was fair game and anything could get a website hosted on the first page of a search engine.

We’ll be giving you a brief review of product description SEO and how you can take the best advantage of it.

First: 2021 Sales Facts and Figures

  • 80% of US residents have developed the habit of online monthly shopping, while 5% of them shopped daily (BigCommerce)
  • Statista reports online sales were at $1.3 billion in 2014. However, they’d doubled to $4.48 billion in 2021!
  • That amount counts for 17.5% of all global retail sales.product descriptions spend rates

What is Product SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is optimizing online content to fit the search engine’s standards for high-quality content. Once you’ve done that using high volume search keywords, your content appears on top of the search engine’s result pages, hence, reaching more people.

Product SEO, while SEO is optimizing content to reach the highest ranks at search engines, product SEO is optimizing product descriptions for the same purpose.

Be careful ⚠️

Practices like keyword stuffing and spamming were popular in the past, they made search engines populated with useless websites that provided no actual value to the searcher or consumer.

Google soon realized this and started working on banning those websites. So make sure to understand what is product SEO and not be confused with spamming behaviors that could get your website banned.

Read: SEO gaps that negatively affect your website on the internet

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Why Are Product Descriptions Important?

A product description is just a branch of SEO but it’s one of its most important ones. It’s mainly used in the eCommerce field to highlight products consumers are searching for in the best relevant manner.

In fact, they’re your top-notch chance to prove the heart and soul of your products. It’s also your chance to lure customers who like to research online before buying, as do 81% of retail buyers.

Product descriptions are important because they:

  • Help you focus on your ideal buyer
  • Enhance the shopper’s experience
  • Lure customers and increase your sales
  • Giving your products and store a professional look

If you’re thinking “why are product descriptions important?”, look at the below example:

Imagine a customer landed on your fashion store and found a shirt that he likes, he’d have a few questions in mind regarding that shirt.

If he didn’t find the answers in a product description, the more likely is that he’d leave without buying.

seo product description

Summarize Key Features Using Product Descriptions

SEO for product descriptions was the result of a fast-paced internet culture when it comes to eCommerce.

All websites are competing to grab the attention of the consumer as soon as they see the first page of the results.

You may provide a lot of functionality and great designs on your website but you won’t be able to make use of them if people can’t find the website easily.

Whatever products you have, you’d want to highlight the best features that people are probably looking for and present them in a simple ordered manner to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index them.

Whether it’s for a landing page or a search engine results page, these features will be the first thing that will catch a consumer’s eye if they’re searching for a specific product.

Use Power Words for Product Descriptions

While using power words for product descriptions is great for your rankings, it’s not the main criteria that will get you to write the perfect product descriptions for SEO.

➡️ Your descriptions should be written with the consumer in mind and not just a search engine crawler. 

This helps you rise in the results page ranks as it increases the usability for consumers which in turn increases the favorability of the search engine.

You want your product descriptions to help, educate, inform, and help them make a well-thought decision.

Help Your Customers Understand the Product

It’s hard to purchase a product if you don’t know exactly all the attractive details related to it.

While your product may be amazing to a consumer looking for it, but writing the wrong description is going to slash the chances that the consumer would find it.

Whoever writes the product description has to know all the ins and outs of the product like its purpose and development.

Providing clear knowledge about how to use the product is essential.

You need to also be familiar with the benefits that your target audience is looking for to highlight them further.

Tip 🏋️

You can contact the manufacturer to inquire about all the technical details you need to write about on a deeper level; it can also help you research the product’s information easily.

You want your consumers to be able to look at a good and simple description while also having access to all the technical specs that they’d be looking for.

Reach The Right Audience

Any product’s humble beginning has a bit of a blurry vision of its perfect target audience, and that’s ok.

What needs to be done is for you to realize who exactly the target audience you’re looking for as soon as possible.

Finding criteria that engage certain consumers is very favorable.

The best descriptions are written when the writer knows exactly who they are talking to.

A buyer persona is often the strategy used to create a highly targeting description by analyzing that persona.

You’ll want to think like the consumer to assess what they’d like to see and create the most familiar version of the description based on that assessment.

A lot of marketers take their time to analyze their target audience to avoid wasting effort on a wide scope of uninterested buyers.

Balance Between Features and Benefits

Focusing on the features of the product and writing great pieces about how great they are is one thing, but focusing completely on the features while leaving the benefits is another.

SEO product description writing

At some point, features become non-personal, and writing only about them can make a consumer lose interest in a product because they start to feel that they don’t have a clear grasp of what the product can do for them.

The best way to keep a buyer on a website longer is to provide them with more information about how much a product would be beneficial for them.

Make sure to read this article for a thorough explanation of Google Ads: “Your Full Guide For All Google Ads Types And Features

Benefits can give consumers a clear understanding of why the product’s features are great and how it can be used as an addition to their lives like why rubber soles are good for your feet and why 100% cotton is good for summer.

This adds an element of persuasion to your products’ description making them able to sell themselves if you target the right audience.

SEO Keywords

When you’re working on your products’ SEO, you need to use the right keywords for search engines to be able to identify the pages and products.

You’ll have to start with a big scope of phrases and then diminish them little by little to find the right phrases or keywords.

A lot of marketeer use tools that help them research keywords to obtain important information; the search volume, how frequently is it being searched for; keyword difficulty.

That determines whether it’s easy to place it or not; related keywords.

The most important factor amongst them is related keywords, commonly known as longtail keywords.

Because this means linking a keyword with many others which widens the scope of the search, thus increasing the range of the target audience.

It’s used when people want to increase conversion value to achieve more sales.

Expert Advice: 🏋️‍♂️

You’ll want to avoid competing with the biggest brands and online stores. Instead, use related keywords to rank your products more easily on the top page.

While SEO used to be quite general at its birth, it became a very encompassing strategy used by digital marketing with many branches and specialties.

SEO Product Description Generator

If you’re an expert product description writer yourself

You can check the below SEO product description generators for some efficient help:

All the below options are AI-powered product description generators that help you craft creative product copies. Give them a go and let us know what tool you liked the most in the comments section below!


SEO product description generator


2- snazzy

product description generator SEO tool

3- adzis

product description generator

4- descrii

product description generator tool AI

Final Thoughts

Your product descriptions aren’t things that should be left to be done at a minute’s notice.

Take your time researching keywords and target audience to be able to make an impact with your product description. Sometimes the broader your scope is, the less traffic you get, so make sure that you’re talking to the right people that you’d want to talk to.

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